what my body and bank account taught me about not giving upI am not that strong person but every walk I walked, it will make me stronger.Feb 3Feb 3
when there is no encouragementSiting in a busy cafe. I’ve heard a voice:” why can’t someone close to me, encourage me. Give me some encouragement I need.’Jan 8Jan 8
even if you feel sad you must move onEvery day is a challenge, you must remember that it must go on.Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
What a Rookie Writer Need to Do(And Much I Can Overcome It)Start with these 2 before you want to dive into writingJul 5, 2024Jul 5, 2024
Published inWriters’ BlokkeYou Need a Deeper Connections with YourselvesIt’s time to give an answer to yourself, if you want to see prosperityJan 17, 20241Jan 17, 20241
Published inWriters’ Blokke4 Not so Difficult Ideas to ChangeFor a better life, Invert your thoughtsFeb 7, 20232Feb 7, 20232
Published inWriters’ BlokkeFor a Purposeful Life Span, Use It and Spend WiselyFrom now on, what do you think you will do five years later?Aug 3, 20221Aug 3, 20221
Published inWriters’ BlokkeMotivation Is Not the Answer to Your ProgressUse Motive and intention to increase your learning to achieve instead.Jan 20, 20221Jan 20, 20221